Saturday, 9 July 2011

Signs your relationship won't last much longer

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Signs Of Love
Gone Wrong

  • Posted on Apr 06, 2011 2:09 PM by njixx

If you’ve been dating someone for a few months and aren’t sure how strong your bond really is, here are a few signs that your relationship probably isn't going to last much longer.


1.You're bored already-

All relationships end up in ruts at some point, but if you're already feeling less-than-impressed with where things are going, your love might be waning. The beginning of a relationship should feel fresh, new and exciting. If you're bored, you might want to make a beeline for the exit because sticking around isn't worth it if you're not having fun.

2. You always sweat the small stuff.

If you alway cringe when he says certain things, laughs a certain way or texts you little jokes you think are stupid, you're just not into him anymore. Getting upset over minor mistakes or inconsequential items will just drive you crazy. Break free.

3. You crave alone time -- a lot.

At the beginning of most relationships, you'd rather spend time with your new guy than by yourself. If you'd rather he not come by after work or take you out on the weekend, something is definitely wrong. Re-evaluate the relationship if you'd rather be alone than with your boyfriend.

4. You just can't be bothered.

Relationships require a certain amount of effort to thrive. If you're just not motivated to try, it's only a matter of time before you two call it quits.

5. You don't trust him.

A relationship requires trust. If you no longer trust your partner, you aren't going to be happy. Whether he lied to you, was unfaithful or just can't seem to keep his stories straight, trust can be very hard to regain once lost, and moving on may be the only answer.

6.You fight more than talk.

All couples argue -- some more regularly than others -- but if you can't remember the last time you communicated in a way that didn't involve yelling, it might be time to call it quits. "Good" arguments help resolve a relationship issue, benefiting your relationship in the end. If the two of you are just fighting for the sake of it, however -- just to belittle or demean each other's ideas -- the relationship isn't going to work.

7.You can't be happy for him.

One of the great things about being in a loving relationship is feeling happy for your significant other.  Love is most likely the furthest thing from your mind if you are ambivalent about his new promotion or attainment of a long-awaited goal. You're ready to pack your bags altogether if you're secretly hoping he fails or loses.

8.You're unhappy when you're together.

We don't recommend ending a relationship at the first sign of boredom or dissatisfaction. If you can't recall the last time you smiled or felt happy in the presence of your partner, however, moving on may be the best course of action. You probably spend most of your time with him, so if you aren't happy when he's around, you probably aren't happy very often.

4 Reasons you can't let go of your ex

Why You Still
Think About Him

  • Posted on Jun 07, 2011 10:10 AM bynjixx

It’s been months, and you still think about him. You might still love him, but there may be other reasons your ex occupies more of your time than you’d like. The relationship experts at SheKnows have come up with four other reasons you’re having a hard time letting go of the past.

1You still want answers.

Some breakups seem to come out of nowhere, and these are often the most difficult. And just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, you’re left with no explanation as to why the relationship ended. The more in the dark you are about what went wrong, the more you’re going to obsess about it -- and your need for closure holds you back. If he hasn’t called so far, he probably isn’t going to, so do yourself a favor and move on.

2You’re still angry.

If you’re still angry about how the relationship ended or some of the total-jerk moves he pulled, you’re likely having a hard time letting go. Moving past the anger and resentment you feel toward your ex can be difficult, but not doing so is allowing him to have a kind of post-breakup power over you. He doesn’t deserve the amount of time and energy you’re spending thinking about him (even if it is to send him negative thoughts). If anger is holding you back, it’s time to let it go.

3Your ego is bruised.

No one likes to feel she's not good enough or that she couldn’t be what someone else wanted her to be. Even if was for reasons that made sense (maybe you two just weren’t compatible or had goals that pulled you apart), hearing someone tell you he wants the relationship to end can be very deflating. If you feel like you had the upper hand in the relationship and then had the rug pulled out from under you, your ego has suffered. Don’t think of the relationship ending as a personal failure, though. Not every relationship will work out, and that doesn’t make you a lesser 

4You are not used to losing.

If you’re used to getting what you want and being the one in control, then getting dumped will feel particularly painful. You're likely to obsess over what went wrong and how this guy managed to break up with you before you could do the deed first. Just because you’re never the one on the wrong end of a breakup doesn’t mean you should panic. Let go, move on and stop letting your need to be on top throw you off.

Find value in a failed relationship

Learn From
Lost Love

  • Posted on Jun 02, 2011 12:38 PM by njixx

You may have read the title of this post and laughed out loud -- especially if you are dealing with a failed (or failing) relationship. But we’re not kidding: You really can learn a lot from being part of something that didn’t work out, despite your initial skepticism. We’re here to let you in on some of the things a failed relationship can teach you.

How to appreciate what works

Life is full of ups and downs. The only reason the ups feel so fabulous is because the downs balance them out. You wouldn't recognize a great feeling if you'd never known a bad one. This same principle applies to relationships: Those that go wrong make finding Mr. Right that much sweeter. The next time you're trying to muddle your way through a love match gone wrong, think about how great you'll feel when you finally find someone with whom you really hit it off.

How to handle the rough patches

The next time you're tempted to see a failed relationship as a black mark on your dating career, think again. Every relationship gives you more experience dealing with the inevitable rough patches that go along with living with someone or being part of a couple. The more situations with which you become familiar, the better equipped you’ll be to handle them in future relationships.

Mistakes to avoid moving forward

Though devastating and emotionally draining, your relationship's demise has given you a lot of valuable insight into what to avoid the next time you fall in love. You can break bad habits, solve some communication problems and examine anything else that left your twosome in tatters. The more you’re aware of the mistakes that dragged your last relationship down, the less likely you are to repeat them.
post a comment down here and tell us what you learnt about your past failed relationship!