Friday, 9 September 2011


Let me first start out by saying not all men hate fat women. This will save on a lot of nasty comments at the end of this article. Although there are some men that will just come right out and say it, and they don't care who hears it, most men who secretly cannot stand women who are overweight or fat, will never tell anyone. Unfortunately for them, somewhere down the road it ends up slipping out.
Yes, there are some men that proudly brag they love fat women. These are definitely the minority. The truth is most men want slim women, or at the least of an average weight and figure. I can't even count how many women I have come across that have told me, that everything was great when they first met, AKA when they were slim. Unfortunately, when they ended up putting weight on because of pregnancy, they were disabled in some way, they got older and their metabolism changed, etc., everything changed, and not for the better. In other words the secret was out!
They started to hear remarks about their weight they never heard before. Some of the men turned to pornography that not had done that before. The point is, the man they married had a secret. That secret was they hated fat women. It wasn't a problem of course as long as their woman wasn't the fat one. Believe me this happens so much more than you could ever imagine. I know your man isn't like that, right? 
If you are nice and slim and trim now, have you ever really wondered what your man would do if something happened, and all of a sudden you were overweight? I know, you're probably thinking that you man would love you no matter what. Good luck, because the truth is you never really know until it happens. It's so easy for a man to say, honey I would love you know matter what. What they are counting on, is the No Matter What, doesn't ever happen.
So, what's a girl to do? How can she avoid ending up someday with a fat hater? Well. I must say this is a tricky one, as most of them are really good at hiding it. However, what I would suggest is keeping your eyes, and ears open for any remark that may make you think he has a weighty issue with fat women. It could be something as simple as seeing an overweight woman in a restaurant and him saying that maybe that woman shouldn't be eating so much. Or a man that makes a big fuss about slim, petite women. It may be something very subtle, but it still means the same thing. You are probably not going to hear him say, oh, God look at that disgusting fat woman. That type of man would be fairly obvious from the get-go.
It's up to you if you want to move forward with a man that seems to hate fat women, but always remember, there is no guarantee that YOU won't be that woman someday. We have no crystal balls, and have no idea what challenges we may face one day. All I know is, that I want a man that wants me, not just my body. I refuse to run on a hamster wheel the rest of my life, just to make some shallow man happy!
FYI: Yes, we would all like to be in shape, and stay as healthy as possible. However, life isn't always the way we would like it to be. In the end, we all do the best we can and can only hope that the love that we have chosen, will stand by us, No Matter What!