Sunday, 17 July 2011


Those who can tell the truth are very sure of themselves and don't let society dictate how they live their lives. The question of morality may arise, but let's face it: how many of us both male and female are morally correct or act in the best conduct ALL THE TIME?

Women: you want men to stay faithful and yet you constantly nag, bitch and over centuries you have perfected name calling at the top of your voice...not an attractive trait and especially not doing much for any man’s libido. And you wonder why men choose to cheat, to sample green pastures? Yes those pastures are not always greener. However that’s irrelevant as long as I got some!

Here’s the other side of the coin.

Men: many of you expect your girlfriend / wife to dress conservative and yet you leave her at home and go looking for the woman who reminds you of how your woman used to dress (it would be wise to remember that it was you who changed her). It takes time but women do eventually cheat and guess what they are 1,000 times if not more better players than men. Face it guys we need a bitch in 'between the sheets' but when you change your woman and forget to compliment her like you used to then you can only blame yourself if one day you find her in the arms of another man looking hotter than the mistress in your arms. You get me? One man's 'alleged' used goods is another man's gold. Like it’s said, don't hate the player; hate the game that you started in the first place.

Where does morality derive from?

Our society expects us to act in a certain manner and that translates to people lying more often than not. As a therapist I hate to admit it but stereotyping in Kenya is the order of the day.

For example those men who say women who have been around the might as well be commercial women. Well, funny if those same women offered themselves to the same men for some between the sheets action, the men would most likely not decline. Double standards don't you think?

If you're a real man you should not worry about how many men a woman has encountered in her life. What should be your primary goal is how you can make her forget those men and you set your own bench mark. I am not pro or anti any gender but sometimes men just have no logic to their verbal contribution (insults) regarding women and many are just cowards hence the ‘motor mouth’ attitude to stay relevant in social circles or in society in general.

In closing, I would suggest that in life don’t partake in scenarios that you can not handle and don’t judge others before looking into the mirror and assessing yourself first. If your existence is perfect in every aspect then only then can you judge or criticize other peoples’ lifestyles.

1 comment:

Dating in Kenya said...

Relationships are just work. Have some fun before you commit